Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck), often known as a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic surgical procedure used to treat sagging and lubricating of the middle and lower abdomen. Contrary to common opinion, having a stomach tuck is not a way to lose weight and should not be considered a way to get rid of extra weight.
Because of the chaos of our daily lives, we have been accustomed to the idea of a drooping body with fat, which bothers and frustrates us. However, in this day and age, when technology is advancing and the concept of beauty is becoming more prevalent, do we need to live with a sagging belly? Obviously not. There are several beauty solutions that may prevent us from having this unflattering appearance, so no one needs to put up with having an oily and flabby tummy anymore.
When the abdomen and waist region are shaped with tummy tuck aesthetics, the waist curve becomes more prominent and a more attractive appearance is obtained. Abdominoplasty, also known as abdominoplasty, is one of the first choices of people who want to achieve a tight and dynamic appearance in the abdomen. What exactly is a belly tuck surgery, and how is it carried out to provide someone with a far more stunning physical structure? Read on to find out!
How Does Tummy Tuck Work?
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance of the abdomen by reshaping its natural curves. In order to remove the oily and sagging appearance in the abdomen with tummy tuck surgery, the severity of the deformation in the abdomen is first determined, and the patient then chooses whether to have a mini tummy tuck surgery or a full tummy tuck surgery based on the patient’s body fat density and the degree of sagging.
Depending on the treatments to be carried out, the time required for the customized stomach tuck surgery might range from 90 minutes to five hours. Tummy tuck surgery can be paired with liposuction if regional lubrication is high, and the procedure is often carried out while under the influence of a general anesthetic.
The procedure for a tummy tuck involves first making a lengthy, horizontal incision in the lower section of the abdomen, or in the groin region, and then repairing the skin and loose tissue below to make the muscles more visible. In order to achieve a tight look in the abdomen area, the abdominal skin is stretched. If required, the extra abdominal skin and subcutaneous tissue are then taken away.
Methods For Tummy Tuck Surgery
The goal of a tummy tuck is to contour the belly and improve the aesthetics of the body. In the context of a tummy tuck, extra skin that contributes to a droopy look in this area is removed, excess abdominal fat is eliminated to achieve a tight and fit belly, and weak abdominal wall muscles are strengthened and tightened.
Depending on the amount of accumulated abdominal fat and the degree of skin drooping, an abdominoplasty can be done in one of two ways: a complete tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck.
As a result of the stomach tuck operations carried out during a full tummy tuck, the navel’s position may shift. If this occurs, the navel is relocated throughout the surgery. After the procedure, a horizontal scar will still be visible beneath the wearer’s underwear at a region near the groin, but it will gradually grow paler and less noticeable.
Full Tummy Tuck
People who have lost too much weight or who have had two or more pregnancies are good candidates for a full tummy tuck because in these patients, the anterior abdominal wall is overly relaxed, the waist area is overly lubricated, and the abdominal skin is badly drooping. Full stomach tuck surgery is performed on individuals with these issues since short tummy tuck surgery is insufficient.
In order to do a full tummy tuck, the abdomen and fat tissue are first pulled over the muscles and to the ribs. The extra abdominal skin is then cut off, the excess fat tissue is suctioned out, and the abdominal skin is stretched and stitched back together. Full tummy tuck aesthetically also treats abdominal muscular weakness or hernias.
Mini Tummy Tuck
Patients who do not experience acute lubrication issues but do have extra abdominal skin owing to muscle and skin looseness might benefit from a little tummy tuck procedure. The majority of patients who are candidates for a little tummy tuck are those who have finished their weight reduction journey but are still unable to acquire the desired firmness in their abdomen.
In order to tighten up the lower abdomen, a micro tummy tuck procedure is carried out through a small incision created in the groin region of the lower abdomen. Sutures are used to close the wound after abdominal stretching procedures.
The placement of the belly button is not altered after a tiny tummy tuck because there is no fat removed during this procedure, and there are also fewer scars on the body as a result of the procedure than after a complete tummy tuck.
Candidates For Tummy Tuck
People who wish to have the perfect figure but have fat, cracks, and sagging in the belly typically prefer abdominoplasty. Every healthy man and woman is eligible for a stomach tuck, although it is most suited for those with drooping abdominal skin and weak abdominal muscles brought on by repeated weight gain or loss, pregnancy, or other medical conditions.
Everyone might think about getting a belly tuck to get the physique of their dreams, but sadly, tummy tuck surgery isn’t always an option. Patients who wish to undergo a stomach tuck for weight reduction or who are thinking about becoming pregnant after surgery should postpone the procedure. because the abdomen might droop again after giving delivery.
You are not a good candidate for a belly tuck if your body mass index is 30 or more, which means that you are much heavier than your optimum weight. This is because tummy tuck surgery is not a means of weight loss. Abdominoplasty is a body contouring procedure that tries to solve the lubricating and sagging skin issue that is unaffected by diet and exercise.
How Long Does Tummy Tuck Take?
Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that may be customized, thus it is impossible to estimate the operation duration before visiting the patient. However, stomach tuck procedures often take 90 minutes to five hours. If the patient has a complete stomach tuck, the procedure often lasts between 2 and 5 hours; however, if the patient receives a little tummy tuck, the procedure typically lasts between 1 and 2 hours.
It is typical to need to spend 2 nights in the hospital following tummy tuck surgery, which is done to tighten the abdomen. because the healing process following a stomach tuck requires the placement of drains beneath the skin. Drains, which are tiny, clear plastic tubes, are used to stop fluid from accumulating under the skin while the wound is healing. Within 24 to 48 hours, under-the-skin drains are withdrawn, allowing the patient to leave the hospital.
Recovery Process For After Tummy Tuck
A bandage is stretched around the belly to provide pressure to it in order to minimize edema, swelling, and bleeding that might happen in the operation region following tummy tuck surgery. Within two to three days following surgery, the bandages are removed, and the patient is then able to take a shower. Despite the use of drains and bandages, issues including edema, swelling, bruising, and discomfort may arise after a stomach tuck.
These complications arise as a result of tissue damage brought on by procedures carried out during surgery on the abdomen area. Your concerns of edema and bruises quickly diminish and go away as the subcutaneous tissues mend. Most patients who have undergone a tummy tuck report that they do not feel intense discomfort following the procedure.
When Will I Go Back To Work After Tummy Tuck?
Patients should be mindful of their lying, sitting, and walking positions after tummy tuck surgery because tension will be felt in the abdominal area. Patients should place one or two pillows on their backs after surgery to ensure that they lie flat while standing at a 45-degree angle.
Patients should sit with a pillow behind them and walk obliquely when they walk in order to avoid straining their abdominal region. After the operation, the person only experiences some abdominal tension for a short period of time before it gradually goes away.
The healing time following a tummy tuck varies from patient to patient but typically lasts between 2 and 10 days. If they do not lead an active lifestyle, patients can return to their regular activities within 5 to 6 days after an abdominoplasty. However, it is important to avoid movements that will force the patient’s abdomen during this time; otherwise, the healing process will be slowed down because sudden movements increase the pressure inside the abdomen and harm the sutures.
Your body needs time to fully recover, but patients can typically resume an active lifestyle two weeks after surgery, and they can engage in sports activities six to eight weeks later.
How Long Should You Wear A Corset After Abdominoplasty?
Following a tummy tuck, patients should wear a corset that has been carefully created. Depending on the extent of the procedure and the kind of corset utilized, the length of time the corset must be worn may vary, but it must be worn for at least 4-6 weeks.
If the patient has a complete tummy tuck, they should wear a corset for 4 to 6 weeks; however, if a minor tummy tuck is performed, it is sufficient to continue wearing the corset for 2 to 4 weeks.
The corset should be worn firmly for the first week following surgery to avoid fluid buildup between the tissues beneath the skin and the development of edema. The corset is more comfortable to wear once the first week is through.
When Will Swelling Go Down After Abdominoplasty?
Edema, swelling, and bruising around the surgical site are possible after an abdominoplasty. Within three days, the edema that develops after surgery will be noticeably gone, but it takes time for the swelling to totally subside. The little edema that remains after surgery might last for up to three months. The edema is anticipated to be entirely gone in order to see the abdomen’s ultimate condition following surgery.
When the sutures will be removed following the operation is one of the most puzzling concerns individuals have regarding the healing process following stomach tuck surgery.
Dissolvable stitches are typically utilized in the internal sutures during tummy tuck surgery; these stitches do not need to be removed; they dissolve on their own in a short period of time. In the context of a stomach tuck, aesthetic stitches are often applied to the skin’s surface; however, if conventional stitches are applied, they are removed within the first week following the procedure.
Is Tummy Tuck Painful?
One of the surgical procedures carried out while under the influence of general anesthesia is abdominoplasty. Because he will be under anaesthesia throughout the stomach tuck procedure, the patient won’t experience any discomfort.
Individual differences in pain and discomfort exist, but many patients who have undergone a tummy tuck report that there is often little to no acute pain following the procedure and that the first three days are characterized by low-intensity pain that is manageable with analgesics.
Due to the stress in the abdominal region following the procedure, low-intensity discomfort develops where the sutures are. Simple medicines can be used to relieve these pains since they are so intense.
Is Abdominoplasty Permanent?
Because a tummy tuck is a surgical operation to have a tight abdomen, its results are long-lasting. As part of the procedure, the weak abdominal muscles are tightened, and the lubrication and sagging issue that gives the belly a drooping appearance is permanently fixed.
After a tummy tuck, if you live a healthy lifestyle and don’t significantly lose or gain weight, you can keep your new abdominal shape for many years. However, lubrication and sagging in the abdomen may return if the patient experiences pregnancy after having a stomach tuck or rapidly acquires and loses a lot of weight. In order to prevent a bad scenario after the operation, it is crucial to adjust your lifestyle, eat healthily, and exercise.
How Much Does Tummy Tuck Cost?
The cost of a tummy tuck surgery varies depending on the patient’s health and if liposuction is included. The Ministry of Health cannot legally allow facilities to list pricing on their websites. For this reason, you may contact our clinic at +90212 241 46 24 to learn more about tummy tuck costs.